November Belt Test

Hello students!

Our next color belt test is Saturday, November 18th.  As a reminder, there will be no class that Saturday!

Please return your test papers to Amanda by no later than Thursday, November 16th, but we would love to have them back sooner. It takes time to grade every paper, and Master Nick get’s cranky when we have test papers returned Saturday morning.

For those of you who are unsure, we’ve got you taken care of! Miss Amanda has plenty of these printed out and ready to go with your names on them.

This color belt test will be split into two groups:

    • 10 AM – 12 PM Blue Stripes and up
    • 12:15 PM – 2:00 PM White Belts Through Green Belts

If you CANNOT make it, please talk to Miss Amanda and coordinate to make up your test as soon as possible! We need to have extra black belt help to test students in class.

What we Expect

Please arrive twenty minutes before your scheduled test time.

Everyone testing should wear their full white uniform to the color belt test. Additionally, green belts and higher should have all four patches on their uniforms and should bring sparring gear. We would not invite you to test if we did not have confidence in your abilities. You earn that belt every time you show up to class. Belt tests just show the rest of us what you’ve already earned.

Red Stripes on up we would like to invite you to sit on the testing board. With high rank comes more responsibility. Part of that is helping pass on your knowledge to the next generation. While leading forms in class is a great first step, sitting on the testing board is something you can include in your black belt resume.

For those not quite ready to test, our next color belt test is Saturday, January 20th. Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and some of us Hanukkah, as well as a handful of other holidays, January will be here before you know it. I welcome everyone to get to as many classes as you can this week!

We look forward to seeing you all Saturday!

Miss Amanda and Master Nick

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Elkhorn Flying Dragons
Flying Dragons LLC
799 East Geneva Street
Elkhorn WI, 53121

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