The next belt promotional exam will be Saturday, March 16th.
Colored Belt Test
Last week, we started handing out test papers. Please see Miss Amanda or Master Nick SOON if you still need a test paper. Those papers are due back by Thursday night at the latest. If you have any areas that you feel you need work on, please let us know and we will try to cover those areas in class. Finally, everyone is welcome to take extra an extra class or two this week to prepare. When it comes to test week, we don’t keep count. Master Nick and Miss Amanda would always rather you get in a few extra classes so you feel prepared!
As of this writing, we one test group starting at 9 am on Saturday, September 16th. Some of you do not have as much material to cover, and we will be letting ranks go as they finish their material and talk to their black belt.
Color Belt Test Schedule
- 9 am – Green Belts on up
- 11:45 am – White Belts through Green Stripes
As always, please remember:
- Arrive at least 15 minutes before your testing group starts.
- Wear your full white uniform (including pants and jacket). Green belts on up should have patches on their uniforms.
- Bring your sparring gear and weapons.
I also recommend that you begin training in your full uniform if you are used to only wearing a school t-shirt. Your uniform can feel much warmer than a tee shirt, and you don’t want to run into a surprise on the test!
As always, we invite students who have reached RED BELT and UP sit on the testing board for the Second Group if they are available. It’s a great opportunity to support your fellow students and looks great on a resume.
Black Belt Pre-Test
Speaking of material that would look good on a black belt résumé, our next black belt pre-test is also on March 16th at 2:30 pm at McHenry Flying Dragons.
For anyone who wants to pre-test, please arrive by 2 pm with your full uniform, weapons, and sparring gear.
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