“Class on the Square”
On Saturday, May 4 the regularly scheduled Kimudo class will be held at the square in downtown Elkhorn. It will be similar to our normal class with a bit more breaking 😉 If you can join us, we would appreciate a good turnout. The 11:45 Aikido class will be held back at the dojang.
Black Belt Testing
Black belt testing is being held on Saturday May 4 at Tiger Academy in Barrington, IL., 762 W Northwest Hwy. The test starts at 2:30 PM. Plan to be there by 2:00 PM to warm up. Be sure to have your White uniform, weapons and sparring gear.
Colored Belt Testing
Colored Belt Testing is scheduled for Saturday May 18.
Green Belts and up start at 9 AM. Plan to arrive by 8:30 AM. (Bring your sparring gear and weapons)
White through Green Stripe start at 11:30 AM. Plan to arrive by 11:00 AM.
Remember, testing is done in your full white uniform. Green belts and up should have your patches.
See Mrs. Perk to turn in your test papers or if you need an alternative test date
As always, Black Belts (and higher ranks – red and up) we would appreciate your help on the testing board.
This also means that there will NOT be the regular 10:30 AM KimuDo class or the 11:45 Aikido class.
Categories: Martial Arts