Thank you for participating in our 37th Annual Christmas Card Town Parade held in Downtown Elkhorn. We are entry #55 in Row 7. In this post is a map of the Walworth County Fairgrounds which indicates row numbers, where we lineup before the start of the parade. You will see Row 1 located against the fence closest to Highway 11. The rows will follow out and down from there. All entries need to be checked in and to their assigned spot no later than 1:00pm. The Parade will start promptly at 1:30 pm and will begin at the Main Gate.
We ask that only the vehicles participating in the parade to be in your assigned location. We have marked areas on the map for “over flow” parking for parents and participants to park. Please make sure you have extra vehicles parked in those lots right away as some entries have full size semi trailers in need of clearance for turns.
The Christmas Card Town Parade is in its 37th year of holiday fun! This is a rain or shine event, so please plan accordingly for your comfort and safety. Black pants are strongly advised. We will have funny hats and antlers available for parade participants.
Thank you Again for you Participation! See you Saturday!
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